Memorial Presbyterian Church

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Main Blog

Dancing in Church

Dancing in Church Have you ever danced during worship? Maybe a better question for us Presbyterians would be, “have you ever wanted to dance in worship?” Sarah Hunt, an MPC member and deacon, had a particularly moving experience during livestream worship on Sunday, April 30th.  It’s a beautiful account of the Holy Spirit and work …

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Confirmation 2023

Confirmation 2023 On Sunday, Apri 23, 2023, our church celebrated the Confirmation of 11 amazing teenagers. These young people have been on a months long journey of digging deeper into the Christian faith.  They’ve studied scripture and theology.  They’ve met with mentors and attended a special retreat. Each of them is on a unique journey of faith in which God …

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He is Risen!

He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!   Easter Sunday, 2023, was a joyful one at Memorial as we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are people of the Empty Tomb! We are set free from sin and death and raised to new life in Christ. Alleluia!   Amen. “But the angel said to the women, …

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