Caring Ministries

Stephen Ministry
Care-giving is one of the most important jobs God calls us to do—to love others in His name. Our congregation’s Stephen Ministry is one way we accomplish God’s caring work.
Perhaps God has blessed you richly and you’re at a place where you can give something back by serving and blessing others. Roll up your sleeves and explore your role in Stephen Ministry by becoming either a Stephen Leader or a Stephen Minister.
For information, please contact Rev. Amy Camp
Deacon Ministry
The Deacons of MPC seek to serve members and friends by embodying Jesus’ all-encompassing hospitality.
Areas of Service are:
- Care Circles support members with pastoral care through visitation, phone calls, cards, home communion, food and fellowship.
- Receptions seek to express Jesus’ loving hospitality and care to family and friends during life’s remembrances and celebrations.
- First Friends connects a new member of MPC to their deacon through one-on-one encounters and through group fellowship opportunities.
- Flower Ministry distributes the sanctuary flowers to folks in town or people in our church who need an extra smile. At Christmas, poinsettias may be delivered to shut-ins.
If you would like to learn more the services made available by the Deacon Ministry or you are interested in serving as a deacon, please email de*****@me***********.org.
Prayer Partners
The MPC Prayer Partners gather weekly to pray over all of the concerns that have been offered on behalf of the church.

MPC hosts various support groups

Weekly Al-Anon meetings on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. If someone you love has a problem with alcohol or drugs, you will find help here!

Caregiver Support
Every third Thursday at 1:30 p.m. caregivers can find confidential support, solidarity, and hope in a lay-led time for sharing stories, laughs, and tears. You are not alone.

Mental Health Support
MPC strives to care for and support the whole person. The church is committed to offering resources by bringing in mental health professionals to educate the congregation and by facilitating support groups.

Parenting Support
MPC strives to care for and support the whole person. The church is committed to offering resources by bringing in mental health professionals to educate the congregation and by facilitating support groups.