Memorial Presbyterian Church

VBS 2023
"If God is For me,
Who Can be Against Me?"

Vacation Bible School centered around the story of Daniel in Ancient Babylon.

Children moved and danced in the sanctuary, singing out,
"If God is for me, who can be against me?!"

We celebrated that God is faithful—just as we see through Daniel’s time in the lions’ den and through Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s time in the fiery furnace.

Kids had the chance to tell about the Lord’s activity in their own lives…

Examples included God helping an introvert have the courage to go to a sleep away camp, providing a friend at VBS for someone who didn’t know anyone, and showing love through a parent in a  family that is going through a tough time.  

When have you been in a difficult time and experienced God’s faithfulness first hand?  

Who might be encouraged by hearing your story?