Memorial Presbyterian Church

Sacred Music Academy

In its first year of existence, our church’s Sacred Music Academy has nurtured over 40 under-resourced students through free musical training and personal growth opportunities through performance and fellowship.

Many of this year’s participants had no previous experience on their instrument(s) and were admitted based on an innovative low-pressure interview process in lieu of a musical audition.

Despite the lack of certainty of music talent upon admission, many of the students are already beginning to achieve high levels of music literacy, artistry, and performance ability. Thank you for supporting this effort by our church.


Impacting the lives of under-resourced children and youth through training in classical sacred music


The short-term goal of the Sacred Music Academy is to engage children and families in fellowship and joyful musical training in a family-oriented atmosphere with minimal to no financial obstacles.


The ultimate hope for SMA is that it becomes a permanent music conservatory in the city of Saint Augustine that provides free pre-professional musical training in the form of private lessons, group sessions, orchestra, and choir.


"Despite the lack of certainty of music talent upon admission, many of the students are already beginning to achieve high levels of music literacy, artistry, and performance ability. Thank you for supporting this effort by our church.