Memorial Presbyterian Church


MPC offers both small group and church-wide events.
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Through these shared experiences, we seek to strengthen the ties of love and friendship that bind us together in the community of faith, nurture one another in faith, support one another in times of need, and celebrate together the life that is ours as the body of Christ in the world.

Adult Sunday School Classes

MPC offers five adult classes every Sunday morning during the Sunday School hour: Short-Term Studies, Spiritual Formation, APEX Young(ish) Adults, Dr. Proctor’s Bible Study, and Christian Meditation. Click here for more information on each of these offerings.

Wednesday Evening Dinner and Program (FEAST)

5:15 p.m. – Dinner
6:00 to 7:00 p.m. – Programming for all ages

For children and youth: Nursery, Children’s Choir, Lounge in the Loft (Youth) | For adults: Adult programming varies widely, from bringing in speakers and Bible studies to prayer services and mental health awareness events.

Senior Men’s Group

The Senior Men’s Group meets the second Friday of each month at 9:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The men study, socialize, and serve the community.

Presbyterian Women

The women of the church meet in small groups, called Circles, each month. Their times often include Bible study, a meal or refreshments, planning fun activities, fundraising for missions, fellowship and a time to pray for one another.

Young Adult Beach and Dinner Gatherings

Young(ish) adults connect with one another throughout the year whether meeting for an afternoon at the beach or in someone’s home for dinner.

Christian Meditation

This class meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom. Led by a trained practitioner, the group concentrates on Christian centering prayer, an ancient form of communing with God.


Easy Yoga class takes place on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. and at 11:15 a.m. on the East Lawn.   Reverend Amy Camp teaches and is a Certified Yoga Instructor.

Surf Ministry

Throughout the summer and fall, a Certified Surf Instructor offers classes and surf instruction to small groups. MPC capitalizes on its location in a beach town by offering fellowship and recreation amidst the beauty of God’s creation. Pastor Hunter Camp is an avid surfer and encourages both newbies and veteran surfers to participate.

Parenting Support

MPC strives to equip parents on matters of faith, mental health, communication, and social media. Parents gather to hear from outside speakers, share stories, learn from one another, and find support as they care for the children and teenagers whom God has entrusted to their care.

Sunday School Classes

Short-Term Studies

Location: Room #205 and Virtual

Class participants choose studies of interest and rotate teaching leadership. The class offers insightful studies for all ages, sometimes utilizing outside speakers. This is a hybrid class.

Spiritual Formation

Location: Fellowship Hall Parlor

The class will study, discuss, and apply classical spiritual practices of prayer to daily living, meditation i.e. lectio divina, and the ways of Jesus. Books of study and books of the Bible help participants become more committed Christ followers who love God and neighbor.

APEX Young(ish) Adults

Location: Room #218

The APEX class is targeted at young adults as well as parents with kids in college or younger. The class focuses on biblical texts and their present-day application. Studies include topics such as parenting, church and culture, etc.

Dr. Proctor's Bible Study

Location: History Room of the Chapel

An intense study of the Bible including a parallel study of “The History of Christianity.” For example, the class has engaged in an in-depth study of the doctrine of the Trinity.

Christian Meditation

Location: Room #215 and Virtual

The class explores the topic of Christian Meditation and Contemplation through instruction, discussion, reading, and practice. These practices have sometimes been lost in the modern era, but have deep roots in the Christian Mystics of the past and in the life of Jesus. The practices have benefits for your spiritual, emotional, and physical life.

Digital Resources

Looking for spiritual conversation and inspiration outside of these gatherings? Find podcasts, readings, and more on our resource list.