Memorial Presbyterian Church

Vacation Bible School Dates & Registration →

Worship with us on Sundays:
8:30 a.m. In-person
11:00 a.m. In-person & online

Lessons & Stories
that Give God's Love Center Stage

Beth Upchurch has faithfully served as a Children’s Sunday School teacher at MPC for several years and shares about the joy of serving in this role….

No classroom compares to my Sunday School classroom, where I am free to teach  lessons and stories that give God’s awesome love center stage.

Every Sunday,
I am amazed by our childrens' honest questions,
desire to understand the Bible, and bubbly expressions of faith and love for our Lord.

Through our weekly “God Sightings” conversations, children share how they see the love of our Father in their daily lives.  As they journal, they express how God is with them through joys, concerns, answered prayers, and challenges of life.   

And our crafts! It’s amazing how glitter and glue can make a Bible story come to life!

These, our youngest members at MPC, are such an inspiration to me.

Teaching Sunday school has not only helped me connect with wonderful families and children, but it also gives me a reason to dig into God’s word so I can teach the big lessons, help kids apply them to their lives, and connect with the future leaders of our church and community.

What a blessing to play a role in the lives of children at MPC. 

I cannot imagine a better place to spend an hour every Sunday morning!”

What is a “God sighting” for you when you stop to see the Holy Spirit at work around you?

How might God use YOU in a way that leads others to see a glimpse of the goodness of God?