Memorial Presbyterian Church

Vacation Bible School Dates & Registration →

Worship with us on Sundays:
8:30 a.m. In-person
11:00 a.m. In-person & online

“God Sightings” at VBS

During one morning assembly at Vacation Bible School in June, a little girl with brown hair approached the microphone in Fellowship Hall. Looking out at her peers and VBS leaders, she smiled broadly and shared

"I saw God this morning when I came to VBS and looked at each one of you!"

During VBS, children and leaders discussed what it means to “see” God. While this was a new practice for many at the beginning of the week, both kids and adults were clamoring to share by the week’s end.

“I see God when I’m surfing at the beach in God’s creation,” one fourth grade student shared.

“I saw God today when two children wanted the same thing and one of them decided to share with the other,” said a teenage leader.

As children immersed themselves in the stories of Jesus, they learned to look at the world through the lens of how we see God in others, ourselves, and creation.

What is a “God sighting” for you when you stop to see the Holy Spirit at work around you?

How might God use YOU in a way that leads others to see a glimpse of the goodness of God?