Food 4 Kids
The Difference it Made to a Family
Our church family believes that no child should go hungry.
Blessed by the efforts of Barbara Alford, our Food 4 Kids Chairwoman, we recently asked for an increase in our congregation’s help—more volunteers to pick-up, transport, and pack food as well as money to buy more food and milk. You responded unselfishly and your donations make a difference!
Grace, who works at South Woods Elementary School, shares how Food 4 Kids helped a family at her school:
“My name is Grace Manuel. I work at South Woods Elementary, a UCF-certified, Community Partnership School, as the Family & Engagement Coordinator (FACE).
Part of my work responsibility is to disperse food to our student families for the Food 4 Kids Program.
Many of our students’ families rely on this program because over 70% of our student population live in poverty and there has been a significant increase in food cost.
One of my families, in particular, contacted me regarding food and other needs because there was a significant loss of income in her home. Because of the Food 4 Kids program and other resources provided by the school, we were able to bless the mom with food boxes for all 4 children in her home for 8 weeks as well as with clothing and shoes.
Due to the Food 4 Kids program, the mother was able to have enough food and resources to allow her time to get back on her feet without worry.
Weeks later, the mother returned to our offices with clothes her children could not longer fit and said she wanted to be a blessing to some one else because she was so blessed by us.
Thank you for all you do to contribute to our school. It has been a sincere blessing.

"Due to the Food 4 Kids program, the mother was able to have enough food and resources to allow her time to get back on her feet without worry."
Grace, Family and Engagement Coordinator at South Woods Elementary