Memorial Presbyterian Church

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8:30 a.m. In-person
11:00 a.m. In-person & online

Christmas 4 Kids


Memorial’s “Food 4 Kids” outreach ministry provides food for over 100 students at South Woods Elementary School each week.

Food is a necessity, of course.

But for elementary school students and their siblings, having gifts under the tree on Christmas morning feels very important, too.

With this year’s “Christmas 4 Kids’ effort, members of the MPC community went shopping with particular childrens’ Christmas lists to ensure that they won’t go without on Christmas.

From Legos to bicycles to clothing and shoes, Fellowship Hall looked like a toy store on the first Sunday in December.  

Thank you, church family, for your incredible generosity.  

All of the wish lists were claimed right away and we’re confident that God will use your efforts to touch children (and their parents) with God’s love as we celebrate our greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ.