Memorial Presbyterian Church

Main Blog

He is Risen!

He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!   Easter Sunday, 2023, was a joyful one at Memorial as we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are people of the Empty Tomb! We are set free from sin and death and raised to new life in Christ. Alleluia!   Amen. “But the angel said to the women, …

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Crosses for Cuba

Crosses for Cuba Shared by our Parish Associate, Reverend Dr. Susan Rose, who recently represented our church and presbytery on a mission trip to Cuba: “Joey is well known at Memorial for sharing his love of Christ by giving out small, handheld wooden crosses to members and visitors.  Now a 9th grade student, this has been Joey’s practice …

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God Gives the Growth

God Gave the Growth In August of 2022, a room full of adult leaders in MPC Children and Youth Ministry gathered to share, pray, and learn in preparation for serving in ministry with young people.   Now they are 7 months into giving their time, energy, patience, and love to ministry with young people.  Time flies …

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