Memorial Presbyterian Church

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Worship with us on Sundays:
8:30 a.m. In-person
11:00 a.m. In-person & online

Anne Reid Broos

Crosses for Cuba

Crosses for Cuba Shared by our Parish Associate, Reverend Dr. Susan Rose, who recently represented our church and presbytery on a mission trip to Cuba: “Joey is well known at Memorial for sharing his love of Christ by giving out small, handheld wooden crosses to members and visitors.  Now a 9th grade student, this has been Joey’s practice …

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God Gives the Growth

God Gave the Growth In August of 2022, a room full of adult leaders in MPC Children and Youth Ministry gathered to share, pray, and learn in preparation for serving in ministry with young people.   Now they are 7 months into giving their time, energy, patience, and love to ministry with young people.  Time flies …

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