Memorial Presbyterian Church

Never-failing Grace of Jesus Christ


Witnessing a baptism makes for a special time in worship.

“In the sacrament of baptism—

our inclusion in the covenant of grace,

incorporation into the life of Christ,

and anointing with the gifts of the Spirit—

we have countless reasons to give God thanks and praise.

As Jesus said, 

“Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). 

Filled with the never-failing grace of Jesus Christ poured out for us, our hearts overflow with gratitude and joy, spilling out into the world in lives of service and love for God and neighbor.” 


In our baptism, Jesus offers us never-failing grace.  It is more grace than we can possibly understand.  

In the coming year, may we seek to extend that same kind of grace to others and to ourselves…even when we feel it’s undeserved, it doesn’t make sense, or we just plain don’t want to.

Let’s do it out of gratitude for the grace we’ve been given.